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The Wind’s Life Hacks & Life Coaching Program

From Certified Personal Life & Business Coach Casey M. Turton

You Decide Your Path

The  Wind Helps You Steer

Personal Life Coaching

Well-meaning though they may be, friends and family members may think that they know what is best for someone, and their ideas often conflict with what the individual thinks is best for himself or herself. Life coaches free their clients from expectations imposed on them by others.

Career Building

People sometimes spend their entire lives doing what they are told that they should do, what their parents expect of them, or what they think that society expects of them. What about doing what they really want? Some of them have been caught up in this cycle for so long that they are not even sure what they want. But they can still find out.
Helping You Achieve Success

Unlock Your Full Potential. Say Hello to THE NEW YOU

Life coaching does not carry the stigma that therapy does. Men in particular are often reluctant to see a therapist, and even more reluctant to admit to seeing one. But life coaches report that their clients are about evenly divided between the genders.

Three decades consulting and coaching

Improve your motivation

Accomplish meaningful steps in your life

Free first assessment interview

Goal Setting

Set attainable goals and implement the strategies to make them happen

Relationship Coaching

Explore your relationships and set your action plan for their future.

Stress Management

Maintain good health and happiness by managing daily stress.

Career Advice

Avoid being stuck! Let’s work on your plan to achieve career success.

What Is Life Coaching?
Who is Coaching For?

Life Coaches offer ongoing support for people trying to clarify and attain their goals or find balance in their life and work. Through scheduled meetings, Life Coaches listen to their clients and hold clients accountable for following through on the plans of action the client has developed.”

Coaching is a strategic partnership. The Coach’s job is to focus on the client’s goals and wants. Coaching is not therapy.

Life Coaching is for adults young, middle age and seniors.

Laser Coaching

Laser Coaching consists of online sessions 15 minutes in duration that focus on specific issues. Great for someone with a tight schedule.

How long do Life Coaching sessions last?

The introductory sessions lasts one hour. Subsequent sessions are on a 45-minute schedule.

Do we need to meet in person?

That depends on your location and what type of interaction makes you most comfortable.

Do you take insurance?

Payments for services are made via credit card, check, ACH, Venmo, PayPal or CashApp. We do not accept insurance.

Do I need to sign a contract?

Certain documents are required to begin your Life Coaching journey. Among them is a contract clearly outlining all fees and services. A non-disclosure (privacy) agreement is also signed. 

About Casey Turton

Certified Life and Business Coach

Casey M. Turton’s 30+ years consulting with businesses and corporations, his own successful business, project experiences and communication skills are valuable assets to the coaching journey. He is also an accomplished professional speaker, writer, lecturer and teacher.

Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.

  • People sometimes spend their entire lives doing what they are told that they should do, what their parents expect of them, or what they think that society expects of them. What about doing what they really want? Some of them have been caught up in this cycle for so long that they are not even sure what they want. But they can still find out.
  • Life coaches do not have an agenda. They leave that up to the client. Another big issue in life coaching is helping people prioritize, helping them to find balance in their busy lives.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!